Those phenomenal days

When we sat near the sea shore

Silently hand in hand

Listening to the harmonic streams of water

Those phenomenal days

When you used to take me

Out of this world

With your tender and powerful touch

With your every intense kiss

My mind gets blown

Like i’m in a world of Neptune

Where strong wind blows

With your warm and tight hugs

When i’m cold

Feels like i’m travelling to the world of Venus

Where it’s so warm

And every minute spent with you

Feels like the atmosphere of Mars


Where there is no one but you

Coz babe you make me forget about this world

And those profound eyes

I get lost in them expeditiously

Just like the world of Uranus

Coz so deep just like the color of the sea

Like the one we’re sitting nearby

Tilted blue-green

How do you do it

You take me to different worlds


There is something in you

That no one else can see

But me

That no one else can feel 

But me

Coz babe i love you with all the madness in my soul

Cherishing those phenomenal days

Longing you to take me out of this world again. 

-Ifrah ❤